Site Terms and Conditions  In order to use the library you must accept the following terms and conditions
Terms and Conditions of Use

By using the Site, the Native Plant Trust’s Digital Media Library (DML), you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If any of these Terms of Use are unacceptable to you, do not use the Site.
The materials stored in this site are copyrighted. By using the DML you agree not to reproduce or further disseminate images stored herein without prior consent and only to use downloads as agreed by the Native Plant Trust.
If you do not agree, please discontinue using the DML. The Native Plant Trust reserves the right to change the Terms at any time without prior notice. Your continued access or use of the DML after such changes indicates your acceptance of the Terms as modified. It is your responsibility to review the Terms regularly.
Access to content on the Trust’s DML is available for “Authorized Users,” current Native Plant Trust staff members, volunteers and faculty members. The Content is made available solely for your limited personal, noncommercial use for educational or scholarly purposes
Authorized Users may search, view, upload, reproduce, display, download, print, perform, and distribute content for the following permitted uses:
• Research activities
• Classroom or organizational instruction and related classroom or organizational activities
• As part of a scholarly, cultural, educational or organizational presentation or workshop
• In research papers or Native Plant Trust websites and publications, provided such reproductions are only for the institution with which the Authorized User is affiliated
Prohibited Uses:
You are prohibited from copying, uploading, displaying, publishing, distributing, transmitting, modifying, performing or otherwise using or exploiting any of the protected Content on the DML for any commercial purpose or for the purpose of making it publicly available apart from Native Plant Trust-based publications and online content. You are also prohibited from including any of the protected Content in a database, website or electronic resource not owned or approved by the Native Plant Trust.
I agree to the above terms and conditions.
© Copyright Native Plant Trust 2019. Digital Asset Management Software by Third Light